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Grief Counselling Kelowna

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Grief and Loss Counselling in Kelowna

Helping You Move Through Your Grief. Start Working Through The Pain of Your Loss

Loss is an extremely personal issue and most people don’t understand your grief. And, it seems like everyone’s has an opinion on how you should be grieving and you wish the well-meaning advice actually helped.

Whether it’s the loss of a loved one or something you cared about immensely, the grief that comes with loss can be overwhelming.

But grief and loss are not only limited to the death of a loved one. Grief can come at the hands of a broken relationship, the loss of a job, the death of a pet, or a disabling injury or disease. The bottom line is that if you’ve lost someone or something that was an important part of your life, you may experience debilitating grief as a result.

What are the symptoms of grief and loss?

How does therapy help with grief and loss?

Well Beings Counselling in Kelowna offers one-on-one professional grief counselling for adults, teens. Individual, couple and family counselling sessions are available by appointment.

Sessions are designed to help clients discover healthy ways to express their grief and offer coping skills that will help them navigate through their unique grief experience.

Skepticism is understandable – especially if you’ve not been able to get relief in the past. It can feel hopeless. And yet – we encourage you to not give up hope because we believe it is possible to reduce and even heal from grief & loss. 

With the therapy methods we use – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), EMDR, MBAT, and Lifespan Integration you can alleviate most, if not all, of your symptoms of worry, fear, and angst.

Find Relief With Therapy

You owe it to yourself to do everything you can to get that happiness you deserve by moving through the stages of grief and loss. Start accepting the reality of the loss, identifying and dealing with the trauma, and talking freely about your loss.

As counsellors in Kelowna, we can help you overcome these symptoms.

You can tell us your struggles and we’ll let you know how we can help you with loss. If you live in Kelowna, call us at 604-305-0104 to book an appointment today.

Our Experienced Kelowna Grief Counsellors