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Anxiety Counselling Vancouver

Get in-person or online counselling — You can treat your anxiety, find peace and become a more confidently assertive person.

We are highly committed to your emotional health and personal growth. Our Downtown Vancouver counselling practice continues to expand each year because of our dedication to service and the personalized treatment of our clients. - Pareen Sehat MC, RCC

Unlock the root cause of your anxiety and become the new, confident you with online and in-person counselling

Anxiety is the most common mental health diagnosis in Canada, with many people facing an ongoing battle. Between 2012 and 2022, anxiety disorders doubled, with teen and young women dealing with the sharpest increase (CTV News).

The symptoms and complications that arise from anxiety can be debilitating, but it is treatable. Well Beings Counselling specializes in treating anxiety through numerous therapeutic interventions.

Our clients can visit our Downtown Vancouver therapy office or access counselling online, working with a qualified therapist to learn vital coping mechanisms. We help you unlock the power to tackle negative thoughts head-on and look forward to the future.

What is anxiety?

We all have worries at some point, from feeling anxious about that important interview to going over previous events in our heads, but anxiety for most people is temporary. However, when these feelings persist and you begin worrying about the small things, you could have an anxiety disorder.

People of all ages can develop disorders, which present in various ways, depending on your age and previous experiences. The underlying theme is the same: persistent worrying that interferes with your ability to perform daily activities.

The types of anxiety disorders

Anxiety can impact everyone differently, and the key to successful treatment is discovering what’s causing your constant worry. There are different forms of anxiety disorders, each with unique symptoms and complications.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

People with Generalized anxiety disorder often worry about numerous events and situations instead of having distinct triggers. The condition can cause severe distress, especially as people with it don’t know when their anxiety will present.

Panic Disorder

If you have physical symptoms along with anxiety, you might receive a panic disorder diagnosis. Common symptoms include struggling to breathe, heart palpitations and shaking. Regular panic attacks can drastically impact your quality of life.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder often presents during social situations, such as going to an event, being in a group of people or meeting with co-workers. Some people find their symptoms are so severe they avoid these activities.

Separation Anxiety Disorder

While most common in young children, SAD can also impact teens and adults. When away from a caregiver, spouse or friend, the individual presents symptoms of distress. Adults tend to internalize their feelings, while children are likelier to have temper tantrums.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder can present in various forms, including excessive cleaning, repetitive activities or compulsive thought patterns. For many people, it can feel like an addiction that’s hard to break, which is why medication is common.

Selective Mutism

Most common in childhood, selective mutism occurs when children cannot speak to certain people and in different situations. Depending on the severity, the child might not speak at all, and without therapeutic intervention, it can continue into adulthood.

Anxiety disorders can also be underlying symptoms of:

  • Phobias: Living with a phobia often leaves people dealing with excessive anxiety that makes it hard to function.
  • Substance Abuse: If you have a history of using certain drugs, including alcohol, marijuana and cocaine, your risks of developing substance-induced anxiety can increase (Anxiety Canada).
  • Agoraphobia: This condition causes a prolonged fear of going outside, which raises a person’s anxiety levels.

Interested in a Free 15-minute consultation?

The symptoms of anxiety disorders

Unlike other mental health conditions, anxiety disorders have a range of symptoms, which depend on the type of anxiety you have and how it presents. Common symptoms include:

  • Feeling stuck in your head
  • Dealing with breathing difficulties, heart palpitations and other symptoms of a panic attack
  • Being constantly tense and on edge
  • Going over things constantly
  • An impending sense of doom
  • Problems concentrating on daily tasks
  • Constant lethargy and a lack of motivation
  • Painful muscles and feeling weak
  • Avoidant behaviours
  • Aggression (mainly in young children)

You might experience some or all of the above symptoms, so seeking professional help is important. Once your doctor or counsellor can identify the type of anxiety disorder you have, treating it is easier.

What causes anxiety disorders?

There’s no single cause for anxiety disorders because it can occur due to natural and environmental influences. Professionals need to understand the root cause before treating anxiety, as the right approach is central to overcoming the condition.

Let’s explore the potential causes of anxiety disorder.


It’s no secret that stress is an ongoing issue in today’s always-on society. Whether it’s a hectic work schedule, family commitments or trying to find some free time, many people deal with severe stress, and it can lead to anxiety.

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, around 25% of Canadians feel stressed most days. Failing to reduce this stress can contribute to the formation of an anxiety disorder.

Medical conditions

Certain medical conditions can also lead to anxiety due to health issues and ongoing treatment. Individuals with heart disease, thyroid disease, diabetes and IBS might develop a low mood, which contributes to anxiety symptoms.

Some brain tumours are also known to cause anxiety, especially when it comes to fight or flight responses.


Alcohol, drugs and medications can cause severe anxiety when you’re withdrawing from them. As your brain begins to crave them, it can induce panic attack symptoms, including problems breathing, erratic behaviour and fainting.

Most people find these symptoms go away when their bodies get used to being without addictive substances.

Past trauma or lifestyle changes

Going through a harrowing experience, such as being the victim of a crime or losing a loved one, might cause a constant sense of anxiety and worry. Relationships breaking up and even being fired puts you more at risk of an anxiety disorder.

If you don’t seek help to deal with these traumas, it can harm your mental health.


Studies show that adults with anxiety are more likely to pass it on to their children (BMC). While we cannot be 100% sure why this happens, there is a genetic link. Why can anxiety be genetic? Well, if a child learns from their primary caregivers, they’re more likely to display similar thought patterns.

Children can turn into anxious young adults, and the vicious cycle continues.

Why is treatment necessary?

The symptoms associated with anxiety can be life-changing, but the proper treatment can help you recover. While counselling and medication can seem extreme, it’s important to remember that anxiety comes with certain risk factors that increase your chances of other conditions.


Some people with depression naturally develop anxiety, but it can also occur as a result of constant worrying. When you’re dealing with the symptoms of anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and experiencing a low mood can result in depressive symptoms.

The correlation between anxiety and depression is a well-known fact, and failing to treat your symptoms could mean you require more intensive support later on.

Physical symptoms

Anxiety can also increase your risks of numerous medical conditions, with some being more dangerous than others. For example, people with IBS notice their symptoms get worse when they’re feeling nervous, and frequent panic attacks can result in a heart attack (Johns Hopkins).

These conditions might require medication, and severe heart attacks can be fatal. Anxiety can – and does – impact your physical health.

Lifestyle complications

Unfortunately, failing to treat anxiety means you’re risking your quality of life. Individuals with agoraphobia avoid leaving their homes, while social anxiety can lead to social isolation. General anxiety might lead to sleep issues, making it hard to concentrate at work or school.

Headaches are also common, leading to lethargy and an inability to perform daily activities. Naturally, all of these complications can negatively affect your relationships.

Extreme measures

It’s not uncommon for people to try to self-medicate their anxiety, which often leads to substance abuse. It can form, resulting in depression and a loss of control.

Some people also try to deal with the low self-esteem that occurs due to negative thought patterns, creating an ongoing struggle.

Unfortunately, in severe cases, some people might commit suicide, with research showing a strong link between anxiety and suicidal ideations (American Addiction Centers).

Beat anxiety for good with therapeutic interventions

Now you know why medications will never be a long-term treatment option for anxiety; it’s time to explore the various therapeutic interventions available. Talking therapies are beneficial for treating the underlying causes of your condition and changing negative thought patterns.

Well Beings Counselling offers both in-person and online counselling in the Vancouver area. Our fully registered clinical counsellors and psychotherapists use bespoke approaches to help you recover fully.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT is one of the most recognized anxiety treatments, as it helps you challenge negative thought patterns through a variety of techniques. The main goal of this therapeutic approach is to enable you to replace anxiety with positive coping mechanisms.

It often occurs through individual therapy, although some people attend groups. CBT can benefit both young people and adults, ensuring long-term changes.

Enquire about CBT.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a specialist therapeutic approach that was initially developed for treating Borderline Personality Disorder. However, its applications focus on helping individuals accept and change their behaviour, making it ideal for anxiety.

Many therapists use DBT for a trauma-informed approach, which is beneficial for individuals who develop anxiety due to an event.

Enquire about DBT.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is a powerful psychological approach for individuals with anxiety because it enables participants to accept and acknowledge their negative thoughts rather than combat them. Your therapist will use a range of treatment approaches, including mindfulness, and help you commit to positive changes.

In many cases, ACT can also be an effective treatment for phobias. It’s less extreme than exposure therapy, but it still helps individuals overcome their fears.

Enquire about ACT.

Explore other therapies

We offer a range of therapies, so please contact us if you’d like to explore different approaches. Our dedicated team can also provide relationship counselling for couples dealing with anxiety and psychotherapy.

Enquire about other therapies.

The benefits of therapy with Well Beings

Working with a dedicated therapist is vital to understanding how your anxiety symptoms impact your life and uncovering the underlying cause. The right counselling approach can give you the life you’re longing for, where fears and self-consciousness are replaced by hope and excitement.

Explore other therapies

  • Identify your triggers and learn how to calm yourself and disengage from negative thoughts and behaviours.
  • Apply strategies for reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Accept reality as it is. Feel the physical symptoms of anxiety and recognize that they are temporary.
  • Prevent stress from escalating and learn how to feel at peace.
  • Focus on the present moment. Make decisions as soon as possible so you can take action.
  • Eliminate the effects of past trauma and break free from your negative experiences.
  • Resolve relationship issues and enjoy strengthening your ties.
  • Look forward to the future and tackling and problems head on.

Please book an appointment with our Vancouver counselling service today

If you live in Vancouver and want to explore online or in-person counselling, please call us at 604-305-0104 to book an appointment. You can also get started with the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

We specialize in changing lives and look forward to supporting you through the healing process. It’s never too late to tackle anxiety head-on and reach your full potential.

Even though the reason for your anxiety may be unknown, therapy can help you manage your symptoms.

Interested in a Free 15-minute consultation?

If you live in Vancouver, call us at 604-305-0104 to book an appointment today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Anxiety Counselling

When connecting with our team at Well Beings Counselling, an intake coordinator will conduct a brief intake conversation to ensure that you are paired with an anxiety therapist best suited and trained to assist with your specific experience.

CBT has been shown to be one of the most effective treatments for anxiety disorders, including panic attacks and phobias. This therapy can help you overcome your worries by teaching healthy thinking skills so they don't control how well we function in life.

Therapy can be a challenging experience, but it is also an opportunity for growth and self-expression. It's important to remember that anxiety isn't the only issue--it may just seem like one because other deeper issues or past experiences are contributing factors in shaping your personality today.


The complex nature of anxiety makes it difficult to address without addressing other issues or past experiences. Therapy helps identify how different factors are affecting your feelings, and hopefully provides you with the tools needed for living your life to the fullest.

Therapy is a vulnerable process that requires trust. It can be anxiety-provoking at first, but over time, the risk becomes worth it as you feel seen and understood by your therapist, who has earned both their patient's gratitude and respect for taking such risks to help them overcome problems.

Anxiety can be triggered by a big event like the passing away their loved ones while for others it could just come out due being stressed about work and finances on an ongoing basis which causes anxiety attacks.

Location in Downtown Vancouver: Jameson House

Vancouver Location + Hours + Transport

Office Hours

Monday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sunday Closed

Phone Number



There is street parking available on W. Hastings, W. Cordova, Hornby and Howe st. 

If you are not able to find street parking, there are a few parking lots that are available near the office. 

Picture of Pareen Sehat MC, RCC

Pareen Sehat MC, RCC

Pareen’s career began in Behaviour Therapy, this is where she developed a passion for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches. Following a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology she pursued a Master of Counselling. Pareen is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. She specializes in CBT and Lifespan Integrations approaches to anxiety and trauma. She has been published on major online publications such as - Yahoo, MSN, AskMen, PsychCentral, Best Life Online, and more.
