Registered Clinical Counselling & Psychotherapy
Helping you manage anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship challenges, and more.
Feeling overwhelmed, out of control or stuck?
You're in the right place
Well Beings Counselling provides counselling & psychotherapy services in several locations in British Columbia and Ontario. Our therapist can help you solve problems, make decisions, express emotions, develop better ways of coping with stressful situations, discover your strengths and change your ideas about yourself, others and the world around you in positive ways. We specialize in culturally diverse backgrounds including South American, South Asians, Middle Eastern, Eastern European, BIPOC, and more.
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Is Psychotherapy Covered by OHIP? Mental Health Coverage in Ontario
Mental health is a tricky thing. We all have rough patches in life when everything feels off balance. But at what point should you reach out for professional help? And what
How Effective is Online Therapy & Does It Work – Pros & Cons
Mental health is essential for our general well-being and overall quality of life. But it can be challenging to deal with on our own. This is where therapy comes in.
Does Marriage Counselling Work & Is It Worth It
Many people feel skeptical about attending marriage counselling or couple therapy. After all, why would you even consider sharing your intimate romantic life with a strange therapist? What if the
Narcissistic Parents: Signs You Were Raised By A Narcissist
Children of narcissists often feel confused, sad, and misunderstood as they navigate life. You may not recognize the severity of your childhood family dynamics and how it truly impacted your
What Is Gaslighting: Real Examples and How to Respond
Did you know that gaslighting is a form of abuse? Gaslighting occurs when someone tries to make you feel like you’re crazy for things that others can see. You may