Over 10,000 Served in BC & ON

EMDR Therapy Hamilton

Well Beings Counselling Provides Hope, Healing and Support in a Warm, Approachable Way. Our team of Registered Psychotherapists in Hamilton, ON have specialties in different therapies to accommodate everyone. Our offices provides therapy and assessment services for adolescents, teens, adults, seniors, and couples.

Overcome Trauma With EMDR therapy...Experienced Trauma/PTSD Care

We are certified EMDR Therapists in Hamilton, helping you to find your voice and take control over your emotional well-being.

EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing is a powerful new psychotherapy showing much success in helping people suffering from Trauma / Post Traumatic Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Panic, Troubling Memories and many other emotional disturbances.

Also known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing works by providing side-to-side stimulation of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This stimulation engages and encourages the integration of feeling and thinking, verbal and non-verbal material.

There are 8 phases of EMDR Treatment

All of this will happen within the context of a well-established, trusting relationship with your Hamilton EMDR therapist.

Is EMDR Therapy Right for Me?

According to the EMDR International Association, EMDR can be used to address the following conditions:

These can all be normal reactions when something bad or traumatic happens to you. When your own processes are overloaded or overwhelmed, that’s when seeking professional help to overcome trauma is a very wise choice!

Our Experienced Hamilton EMDR Therapists

Frequently Asked Questions

EMDR focuses on the brain's ability to constantly learn, taking past experiences, and updating them with present information. 

Adaptive learning is constantly updating memory network systems. 

Past emotionally-charged experiences often interfere with your updating process.

EMDR breaks through that interference and helps you let go of the past and update your experiences to a healthier present perspective. 

EMDR uses a set of procedures to organize your negative and positive feelings, emotions, and thoughts, and 

No. During EMDR processing, you are present and fully in control. 

Yes, you may. Emotions and sensations may come up during processing; although, you will be prepared and your therapist will help you safely manage them. Once they are processed, they rarely come back!

EMDR, as with all treatment approaches, will help you accomplish your treatment goals.

The length of time it takes is dependent on the complexity of your problems. 

Frequently, EMDR is only one of several treatment approaches that will be used to help you reach your treatment goals. 

If you live in Hamilton and you think EMDR could help you, call or e-mail Well Beings Counselling to book an appointment or a free consultation at 604-305-0104 or info@wellbeingscounselling.ca.