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Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Beacon of Hope in Brief Encounters

In the world of psychotherapy, a beacon of hope stands out for its revolutionary approach to change and healing: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). This innovative therapeutic strategy flips the traditional therapy script on its head, casting aside lengthy problem dissections in favour of a refreshing focus on solutions.

Imagine a therapy that honours the present and future over the past, celebrates your innate strengths, and guides you toward rapid, meaningful change.

This unique approach is not merely a fleeting trend in psychotherapy but a powerful tool for transformation that is gaining empirical support for its effectiveness in various settings.

The Genesis of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)

solution focused brief therapy graphic

Born out of a desire to move away from problem-oriented therapy, SFBT was developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s by Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg, and their colleagues. They intended to create a therapeutic approach emphasizing people’s resilience and capacity for change rather than their problems and deficits.

They sought to shift the therapy focus from the “why” of challenges to the “how” of treating them, leading to the creation of SFBT.

The Central Philosophy of SFBT

The core of SFBT lies in its unique focus on solutions rather than problems. It believes clients possess the necessary strengths and resources to solve their issues. The therapist’s role is to help clients uncover and utilize these resources.

Exploring the Concept of Brief Therapy

The Distinction between Traditional and Brief Therapy

Traditional therapy often involves long-term treatment, with the therapist delving into the Client’s past to understand and address their issues. In contrast, brief therapy, as the name suggests, is short-term, focusing more on the present and future to facilitate change.

The Significance of Time: The Power of Brief Interventions

Time plays a crucial role in SFBT, as the goal is to facilitate change in the shortest time possible. This approach minimizes therapy’s financial and emotional burden and allows clients to quickly regain control over their lives.

Theoretical Underpinnings of SFBT

The Influence of Social Constructionism

SFBT is heavily influenced by social constructionism, which posits that reality is socially constructed. In this context, the therapist and client co-construct solutions to the Client’s problems.

The Role of Systems Theory

Systems theory also plays a pivotal role in SFBT. It acknowledges that individuals are part of larger systems (like families or communities), and any change in one part of the system affects the whole system.

Key Principles of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Focusing on Solutions, Not Problems

One of the cornerstone principles of SFBT is a shift from problem-solving to solution-building. The therapy avoids extensive problem-talk and instead fosters solution-talk.

The Future is Molded by Today: Emphasis on Present and Future

In SFBT, the focus is on the present and future. The belief is that understanding the past is less important than focusing on the present and future changes.

The Client as the Expert: Utilizing Client Resources and Strengths

SFBT positions the Client as the expert in their life. The therapist’s job is to help clients discover their strengths and resources and use them to effect change.

Small Steps Lead to Big Changes: Importance of Incremental Change

Change, in the context of SFBT, is often viewed as a series of small steps. Though seemingly insignificant, these steps can lead to profound changes over time.

The Therapeutic Process in SFBT

The therapeutic process in SFBT typically unfolds in three main stages: the initial session, subsequent sessions, and the concluding session.

The Initial Session: Constructing the Therapeutic Alliance

The first session in SFBT is crucial in establishing a therapeutic alliance, a cooperative working relationship between the therapist and the Client. The therapist begins by fostering an atmosphere of acceptance and respect, encouraging the Client to share their concerns and aspirations.

The focus is shifted towards identifying ‘exceptions’ when the problem is absent or less intense and outlining a preferred future without the pain.A prominent technique used at this stage is the ‘miracle question,’ which encourages the Client to envision a future where their problem has miraculously disappeared. By doing so, clients can articulate their goals for therapy in concrete terms.

At the end of the initial session, the therapist often compliments or gives positive feedback, reinforcing the Client’s strengths and capabilities and setting a positive tone for the therapeutic alliance.

Subsequent Sessions: Maintaining Focus on Solutions

Subsequent sessions in SFBT involve maintaining a solution-oriented focus and amplifying positive change. The therapist continues to underscore the Client’s resources and successes while avoiding problem-saturated narratives.

The therapist uses ‘scaling questions‘ in these sessions to gauge the Client’s progress toward their goals. For example, clients might be asked to rate their progress on a scale of 1-10, enabling them to recognize even minor improvements and enhance their self-efficacy.

The therapist also employs ‘coping questions‘ to highlight how the Client has managed despite their challenges. Recognizing these coping mechanisms helps the Client to see their resilience and adaptability, bolstering their confidence to construct and pursue solutions to behavioural problems.

Wrapping Up: Reviewing Progress and Planning for the Future

The concluding sessions in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) involve reviewing the progress and planning for the future. The therapist and Client reflect on the successes and changes during the last therapy sessions. This process allows the Client to appreciate their journey and reinforces their belief in their ability to effect change.

Planning for the future involves anticipating and discussing strategies to manage setbacks. Rather than viewing these setbacks as failures, they are framed as opportunities for learning and growth. This helps to instill a sense of resilience and prepares the Client for future challenges.

SFBT is an empowering process that accentuates the Client’s strengths and resources. It facilitates a collaborative exploration of solutions, fostering hope and inspiring change, making it an effective therapeutic modality for various concerns.

Core Techniques Used in SFBT

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) uses unique techniques that empower individuals to uncover and harness their strengths to bring about meaningful change in their lives. Some of these core techniques include:

  1. The Miracle Question: This technique helps clients visualize the type of future they desire by asking them to imagine their life if a miracle occurred and their problems disappeared overnight. This question encourages hope and creativity, serving as a starting point for identifying realistic, solution-oriented goals.
  2. Scaling Questions: These questions enable clients to assess their problems’ severity and confidence in their ability to solve them. By quantifying their issues and skills, clients can gain a clearer perspective, facilitating more constructive problem-solving strategies.
  3. Exception Finding: This technique involves identifying times when the problem did not occur or was less severe. Recognizing these exceptions can provide insights into how clients can replicate these successful experiences in the future.
  4. Coping Questions: Coping questions explore how clients have carried on despite their problems. They highlight the strengths and resources that clients already possess, which can be harnessed to cope better with their issues.

These techniques are not intended to be prescriptive. Rather, they are flexible tools that therapists can adapt to fit each Client’s unique circumstances. The core objective is to empower clients to discover their solutions, with the therapist acting as a facilitative partner in this process​.

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Case Examples of SFBT

Case Example 1: Dealing with Anxiety

  1. Identifying Successful Coping Mechanisms: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy would involve discussing with the Client when they feel less anxious or anxiety-free. This can help to identify patterns and coping mechanisms that are already working for them, which they might not have noticed otherwise. For instance, they might realize that they feel less anxious when they take time for self-care or engage in certain activities.
  2. Constructing a Preferred Future: Another fundamental aspect of SFBT is helping clients envision a future without problems. For example, the therapist would help the individual dealing with anxiety to describe their life without anxiety, helping to create a goal for therapy and increase their motivation for change.
  3. Scaling Questions: Therapists can use scaling questions to help clients assess their anxiety levels and monitor their progress. For example, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most anxious they’ve ever felt and 1 being completely anxiety-free, where would they rate their current anxiety level? This can help the therapist and the client track improvements over time.

Case Example 2: Resolving Marital Conflict

  1. Identifying Strengths and Resources: In SFBT, the therapist would help the couple identify strengths and resources in their relationship that they might be overlooking. This could include reminding them of times when they successfully resolved the conflict or pointing out positive qualities in each other that they have stopped noticing due to their current conflicts.
  2. Miracle Question: The therapist might ask the couple the “miracle question” –what would be different if they woke up tomorrow and a miracle occurred to resolve their conflict? How would they behave towards each other? This question can help couples clarify their therapy goals and imagine a future without their current conflict.
  3. Focus on Solutions, Not Problems: Rather than spending a lot of time discussing the details of their conflict, the therapist would steer the couple towards discussing solutions and strategies for achieving them. For example, this could involve exploring what each partner needs from the other to feel satisfied in the relationship.

Case Example 3: Navigating Work-related Stress

  1. Identifying Successes: The therapist would help the Client identify times when they have successfully managed work-related stress. This can help them to recognize their resilience and ability to cope with difficult situations, which can boost their confidence and help them to feel more empowered.
  2. Defining the Preferred Future: The therapist would encourage the Client to envision a future where they can handle work-related stress effectively. This could involve imagining how they would like to respond to stressful situations or what changes they want to see in their work environment.
  3. Coping Questions: The therapist might ask the Client how they have managed to continue going to work despite their stress. This can help the Client recognize their strength and resilience and identify strategies they are already using to cope with their stress. These strategies can then be built upon and used to help clients manage their work-related stress more effectively.

Evidence of Effectiveness: Research and Studies Supporting SFBT

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) has garnered significant empirical support that underscores its effectiveness in various settings. Several studies and meta-analyses have been conducted, proving its efficacy.

Evidence from Meta-Analyses

One such meta-analysis synthesized randomized controlled trials of SFBT in medical settings, focusing on patients’ health-related psychosocial (e.g., depression, psychosocial adjustment to illness), behavioural (e.g., physical activity, nutrition score), and functional health (e.g., BMI, individual strength) outcomes.

The results indicated an overall significant effect of SFBT for health-related psychosocial outcomes and a nearly significant development for health-related behavioural outcomes. However, the study did not find substantial outcomes for functional health outcomes.

The study concludes that SFBT is an effective intervention for psychosocial outcomes and a promising approach for behavioural outcomes in medical settings.

Another systematic review and meta-summary of process research on SFBT investigated why and how SFBT works. The review included thirty-three studies that used various research methods. The findings supported the significance of the co-construction process within SFBT and the effects of specific SFBT techniques.

The most empirical support was found for the strength-oriented techniques compared to the other methods and for the co-construction of meaning. Current studies require replications with larger samples and experimental designs that study the SFBT process concerning outcomes.

These meta-analyses provide compelling evidence for the effectiveness of SFBT. The results underline the value of SFBT’s unique approach and techniques in facilitating positive outcomes, further establishing its position as a promising therapeutic intervention.

The Future of SFBT: Emerging Trends and Directions

As SFBT gains recognition and empirical support, it’s clear that the future holds promising possibilities for this therapeutic approach. Here are a few emerging trends and directions for SFBT:

  1. Expansion into Diverse Settings: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy will likely apply to more diverse settings, given its flexibility and adaptability. This could include schools, workplaces, and online platforms, among others.
  2. Integration with Other Approaches: We may see more integration of SFBT with other therapeutic approaches, creating hybrid models that combine the strengths of multiple therapies.
  3. Increased Research: As evidenced by the growing body of meta-analyses and systematic reviews, there’s a clear trend toward increased research on SFBT. This includes outcome research and process research investigating the mechanisms of change in SFBT.
  4. Technological Adaptations: As technology continues transforming the mental health landscape, SFBT will likely adapt to these changes. This could involve the development of digital tools or platforms that use SFBT principles to support mental health.
  5. Focus on Training and Skill Development: As the demand for Solution-Focused Brief Therapy grows, this approach will have a corresponding need for training and skill development. This could lead to more training programs and resources for therapists interested in SFBT.

Key Takeaways

  1. Solution-focused approach: SFBT emphasizes solutions rather than problems. This shift from problem-solving to solution-building is a cornerstone principle of SFBT. It believes that clients already have the necessary strengths and resources to solve their issues, and the therapist’s role is to help clients uncover and utilize these resources.

  2. Emphasis on the present and future: SFBT focuses on the present and future rather than the past. The therapist believes understanding the history is less important than focusing on the changes that must be made in the present and future.

  3. Brief Therapy: As the name suggests, SFBT is a short-term therapeutic intervention. Time plays a crucial role, intending to facilitate change in the shortest time possible, thereby minimizing therapy’s financial and emotional burden.

  4. Client as the expert: SFBT positions the Client as the expert in their life. The therapist’s job is to help clients discover their strengths and resources and use them to effect change.

  5. Incremental Change: Change is often viewed as a series of small steps. These seemingly insignificant steps can lead to profound changes over time.

  6. The Therapeutic Process: The therapeutic process in SFBT typically unfolds in three main stages: the initial session, subsequent sessions, and the concluding session. Each session has a specific purpose, and various techniques such as the ‘miracle question,’ ‘scaling questions,’ and ‘coping questions’ are used to facilitate the process.

  7. Effectiveness: SFBT has garnered significant empirical support that underscores its effectiveness in various settings. Several studies and meta-analyses have been conducted, proving its efficacy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

SFBT sessions typically last 45 to 50 minutes, similar to many other forms of therapy. However, the total number of sessions tends to be fewer in the solution-focused approach due to its brief and focused nature.

Some issues may be addressed in as few as three to five sessions, while more complex situations might require more sessions. The duration and number of sessions will depend on the Client's needs and progress.

Yes, SFBT can be very effective with children and adolescents. The approach's focus on solutions rather than problems, and its emphasis on strengths and resources, can be particularly beneficial for younger clients. It can help them recognize their abilities to overcome challenges and eachieve their goals.

In practice, mental health professionals often adapt their language and use techniques to suit the age and developmental level of the child or adolescent.

While SFBT and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) are goal-oriented and present-focused, they differ in their approach to change. CBT primarily focuses on identifying and changing unhelpful thoughts and behaviours, while SFBT emphasizes solutions and the Client's strengths and resources to find solutions. In addition, SFBT tends to be less directive than CBT, with the therapist acting more as a facilitator to help the Client discover their solutions.
Absolutely. SFBT can be effectively utilized in group therapy settings. In such contexts, the solution-focused approach can help group members identify their strengths, set personal goals, and work towards them. Group settings also allow members to learn from each other's successes and provide mutual support.

When looking for a Solution-Focused Brief Therapist, consider the following factors:

  1. Training and Experience: The therapist should have formal training in SFBT and experience in applying it with diverse clients.
  2. Licensing: The therapist is registered to practice in your province.
  3. Therapeutic Style: The therapist should exhibit the core principles of SFBT, such as focusing on solutions, emphasizing strengths and resources, and adopting a non-pathologizing stance.
  4. Fit: It's essential to feel comfortable with your therapist, so consider factors like communication style, responsiveness, and personal compatibility.

SFBT practitioners, like all therapists, are bound by a professional code of ethics. They are expected to respect client autonomy, maintain confidentiality, avoid dual relationships, and provide services competently.

In the context of SFBT specifically, practitioners must ensure that the focus on solutions does not minimize or dismiss the Client's experiences or feelings. Additionally, they must respect the Client's pace and readiness for change, recognizing that while SFBT is a brief solution-focused therapy, not all clients may move simultaneously.

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Picture of Pareen Sehat MC, RCC

Pareen Sehat MC, RCC

Pareen’s career began in Behaviour Therapy, this is where she developed a passion for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches. Following a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology she pursued a Master of Counselling. Pareen is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. She specializes in CBT and Lifespan Integrations approaches to anxiety and trauma. She has been published on major online publications such as - Yahoo, MSN, AskMen, PsychCentral, Best Life Online, and more.


Zhang, A., Franklin, C., Currin-McCulloch, J., Park, S., & Kim, J. (2018). The effectiveness of strength-based, solution-focused brief therapy in medical settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of behavioural medicine, 41(2), 139–151. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10865-017-9888-1

Franklin, C., Zhang, A., Froerer, A., & Johnson, S. (2017). Solution Focused Brief Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Summary of Process Research. Journal of Marital and family therapy, 43(1), 16–30. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmft.12193

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