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Why Do I Hate Being Touched?

Key Takeaways:

  • Low confidence: Feeling vulnerable and exposed by physical closeness.
  • Past trauma: Touch associated with negative experiences and triggers anxieties.
  • Sensory issues: Touch can feel overwhelming or unpleasant due to neurological differences.
  • Personal boundaries: Strong preference for personal space and autonomy.
  • Mental health conditions: Anxiety, depression, or PTSD can impact how you respond to touch.

Many of us enjoy the comfort of a hug or a pat on the back, but this simple act can cause extreme anxiety or panic for someone with haphephobia. Physical touch may make them feel trapped or overwhelmed or remind them of past trauma.

So, what causes someone to develop an aversion to touch? The reasons are nuanced, and there’s no one-size-fits-all explanation. Factors like childhood experiencesattachment issueslow self-esteemsensory sensitivities, and past abuse often play a role. Haphephobia can make it challenging to connect with others and maintain close relationships. But the good news is that it can be overcome with compassionate professional help and self-care strategies.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore:

  • The psychological and physical underpinnings of haphephobia
  • Tactics to manage haphephobia on your own or with a therapist
  • Building healthy touch at your own pace with supportive loved ones
  • Age-specific solutions, like helping haphephobic children

The inability to tolerate touch is frustrating. Arm yourself with knowledge of the causes, then take the first step toward leading a fuller, more connected life.

Psychological Causes

The reasons we recoil from human touch are often rooted in our mental health and psychology. Let’s explore some vital psychological factors that can lead to haphephobia.

Trauma and Abuse

Past experiences of trauma or abuse are some of the most apparent psychological pathways to developing haphephobia. When touch has been associated with fear, pain, or violation in the past, it can naturally become a trigger.

Childhood trauma – especially sexual, physical or emotional abuse – can imprint deep-seated associations between touch and danger. These associations can persist for years or even a lifetime if the trauma remains unresolved. Having been violated previously makes perceiving touch as safe or comforting difficult.

Past sexual and physical abuse in adulthood can also underpin touch aversion. The trauma of abuse essentially trains the brain to go into fight-or-flight mode when physical contact occurs. This automatic fear response is difficult to override.

A subset of those with abuse-related haphephobia are intimate partner violence (IPV) victims. Repeated trauma at the hands of a romantic partner conditions them to recoil from that partner’s touch. Their brains have adapted to interpret touch as a signal of impending pain and distress.

Even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from experiences like war, disasters, or assault can play a role. PTSD causes hypervigilance and heightened startle reactions, which make unexpected touch immensely disturbing.

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Attachment Issues

How our parents or caregivers touched and bonded with us in infancy establishes our first experiences with touch. If these early experiences are negative, they can shape lasting attachment issues.

Those with an avoidant attachment style tend to suppress their need for comfort and affection subconsciously. This is an adaptive attachment style resulting from unresponsive or rejecting caregivers. As adults, they are likely to distrust touch and feel tense or aggravated when others attempt to get close to them physically.

Insufficient nourishing touch in the first few years of life can also impede development. Infants rely heavily on physical contact for emotional security and regulation of stress hormones. Without this, they may mature into adults who feel abnormal or undeserving when shown physical affection.

Low Self-Esteem and Insecurities

Self-perception is another psychological domain that affects how we receive touch from others.

People with low self-esteem often judge themselves as being unworthy of affection. They cannot fathom why anyone would want to touch them in an intimate or caring way. At an extreme level, feeling severely unattractive or unlovable leads to beliefs that touch would be unwanted, inappropriate or disgusting.

Insecurities about one’s body can also drive haphephobia. Those self-conscious about their weight, skin, smell or other attributes may resist touch out of fear of judgement or rejection.

If someone lacks confidence in themselves or their body, the vulnerability and exposure created by touch may feel untenable.

Social anxiety, fear of intimacy, and rejection sensitivity are psychological cousins of low self-esteem. People with these conditions share an aversion to the physical closeness inherently required by touch. It threatens their sense of control and evokes paralyzing self-doubt.

Physical Causes

In addition to psychological factors, there are some physical and biological reasons why touch can feel intolerable.

Parenting Style and Upbringing

The culture we grow up in and how our parents interacted with us physically lays the foundation for our comfort with touch.

Some families and cultures do not encourage physical displays of affection. A parenting style characterized by limited hugs, kisses, and supportive touch can foster haphephobia. As children, these individuals learned to associate touch with discomfort.

Certain ethnic groups and nationalities also have strong cultural norms around avoiding physical contact. These cultures believe touch should be minimized, especially outside one’s immediate family.

If parental habits and cultural backgrounds initially made us wary of touch, it is difficult to overcome that instinctual aversion.

Body Image and Awareness

How we perceive, relate to, and inhabit our body is also critical for tolerating touch.

If someone has a negative body image or distorted idea of their physical form, touch instantly draws attention to the body and intensifies that discomfort. Many eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorders stem from and contribute to distorted body perceptions. The weight, shape, or functionality of their body feels unacceptable.

Body awareness is also key – attunement and connection with one’s physical and sensory experiences. Another person’s touch can feel jarring, invasive, or overwhelming without good body awareness.

It takes time to learn to “inhabit” one’s body entirely. Individuals who dissociate or tune out physical sensations have difficulty processing touch appropriately.

Sensory Issues

Specific sensory processing differences and neurological conditions can make touch exceptionally difficult, too.

Some people with autism or sensory processing disorder have tactile defensiveness. Their susceptible tactile receptors make light touch feel abrasive and aggressive.

Others may also be averted by the smells or sounds associated with touch, like another person’s odour or breathing in one’s ear. The multilayered sensory experience of proximity can become noxious.

Conditions like neuropathy or Raynaud’s Syndrome sometimes make touch painful or undetectable. Aversions understandably develop when touch signals are interrupted or misfired from a neurological perspective.

Overcoming Haphephobia

While haphephobia is challenging, various professional treatments and self-care tactics can help overcome touch aversion. With time and commitment, it is possible to heal.

Seeking Professional Help

Working with a licensed mental health professional is advisable to address the root causes driving haphephobia. The assistance of a therapist provides several advantages:

  • Counselling helps you unpack past trauma, faulty beliefs about yourself, and unhealthy attachment patterns contributing to touch aversion.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is effective for reframing negative thought patterns around touch and intimacy. CBT can also treat co-occurring issues like PTSD, social anxiety, OCD and more.
  • EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) is a powerful technique to reprogram traumatic memories. EMDR is highly effective for overcoming touch-related trauma.
  • Some therapists offer exposure therapy in a safe, ethical environment. This graduated exposure therapy slowly builds tolerance to nurturing touch.
  • Medication prescribed by a psychiatrist may help in some cases, especially anxiety disorders exacerbating haphephobia.

Self-Help Strategies

While professional treatment is ideal, some self-guided strategies at home can also help:

  • Mindfulness activities like body scans teach you to tune into physical sensations in a present, nonjudgmental way. This builds body awareness over time.
  • Using scented creams or massage on your own body can associate touch with relaxation in a private setting first.
  • weighted blanket mimics the soothing feeling of a hug without direct skin contact. This is often used for autism but may help with haphephobia.
  • Exposure exercises with safe objects like knotted massage balls, teddy bears, silk fabrics, or even hugging a pillow.
  • Tensing and releasing muscles throughout your body teaches awareness and control of physical sensations.
  • When feeling overwhelmed by touch, deep breathing is an instant calming technique.

Support from Loved Ones

With trusted friends, family and partners, small steps can make touch more tolerable:

  • Communicate your boundaries. Verbalize when you feel scared or uncomfortable.
  • Ask loved ones to start with less triggering forms of touch – like a hand on your shoulder or arm instead of a full embrace.
  • Set a time limit on hugs or physical contact. Ten seconds can be held.
  • Reward yourself after tolerating touch, even if brief – this positive reinforcement builds motivation.
  • Suggest alternatives like holding hands, touching feet, or sitting side by side. This maintains the connection.
  • Tell your support system that it’s not about them – haphephobia is not a rejection of their affection.

Coping with Haphephobia in Relationships

Physical intimacy in romantic relationships can feel nearly impossible for people with haphephobia. The distress touch provokes makes it challenging to bond with partners. However, with communication and compromise, fulfilling relationships are possible.

  • Communicate your needs – Have honest conversations explaining your aversion to touch results from haphephobia, not a rejection of your partner. Assure them you desire closeness, but touch requires baby steps.
  • Start small – Introduce a lighter touch slowly. Hold your partner’s hand while watching TV. Let them gently stroke your shoulder or arm. Lean into them, sitting side by side. This builds trust.
  • See a couples counsellor – A therapist can help you and your partner better understand haphephobia. Counselling facilitates difficult discussions and prevents misunderstanding. It also equips your partner to support you sensitively.
  • Reassure your partner – Constantly reinforce that your haphephobia is not about them. You are not pulling away due to lost attraction or anger at your partner. Your difficulty with touch reflects past trauma and anxiety, not present emotions about the relationship.
  • Find non-touch intimacy – Deepen emotional intimacy through conversation, active listening and vulnerability. Shared activities foster closeness, too – cooking together, volunteering, and travelling.
  • Request touch-free zones – If certain areas of your body provoke extreme distress when touched, ask your partner to avoid those zones. Respecting each other’s boundaries prevents re-traumatization.
  • Try alternative touch – Foot rubs, holding hands, touching foreheads, or stroking each other’s hair could feel safer than frontal hugs. Explore to find what nurtures connection without terror.
  • Practice mindfulness – Stay present in the moment when attempting touch rather than being hijacked by traumatic memories. Note positive sensations – your partner’s warmth and love.
  • Use grounding techniques – If touch triggers a panic attack, tap your feet, grip a chair, or splash cold water on your face. This redirects focus to the present.

Even severe haphephobia can be managed in intimate relationships with patience, creativity, and professional support. Partners who educate themselves and provide a safe space are invaluable. Recovery is a team effort.

Haphephobia in Children

While less common, some children develop an extreme aversion to touch. Addressing this early on is important to prevent lasting issues with physical intimacy.

  • Notice signs of avoidance – Does your child shy away from hugs, cuddle time, holding hands or other age-appropriate touch? Do they express discomfort verbally? Take note if avoidance seems abnormal.
  • Rule out other conditions – Ensure touch aversion is not merely a symptom of autism spectrum disorder or sensory processing differences before labelling haphephobia. Consult a pediatrician and occupational therapist.
  • Uncover potential trauma – Has your child experienced violations of their bodily autonomy through harsh discipline, abuse, or undesired affection from adults? Early trauma often causes touch aversion.
  • Use storybooks and roleplaying – Read picture books modelling healthy touch and consent. Roleplay: accepting hugs from safe people with dolls or stuffed animals. Make touch seem normal.
  • Try games incorporating touch – Twister, duck-duck-goose and Red Light/Green Light incorporate safe, structured touch. High-fives and clapping games do, too. Increase exposure.
  • Develop a comfort scale – Work with your child to rate types of touch on a comfort scale. A hug may be a 4/10, while a pat on the back is a 6/10. Respect their boundaries.
  • Consider family counselling – If you suspect abuse or family dysfunction precipitated your child’s haphephobia, engage a child psychologist to guide family therapy. Healing the root issue is critical.
  • Praise small steps – Cheer your child attempting or tolerating the slightest touch. This positive reinforcement boosts self-esteem and motivation to continue.
  • Empower them to say “stop.” – Assure your child they can vocalize their dislike of touch. Their consent and boundaries deserve respect, giving them control.

The key is making touch feel safe.

Haphephobia is a complex condition with roots in both psychology and physiology. Myriad factors can cause someone to shy away from the comfort of human touch. However, overcoming touch aversion through a compassionate understanding of these factors and professional help and self-care strategies is possible.

Counselling Services in BC and ON

Our clinic offers specialized counselling services if you’re in British Columbia or Ontario and are looking for longer-term support. Our counsellors and psychotherapists are trained to help you navigate abuse’s emotional and psychological impacts. We provide a safe, confidential space where you can begin your healing journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

While both conditions may avoid physical touch, the root causes differ. Asexuality is a sexual orientation defined by a lack of sexual attraction to others. Haphephobia stems from trauma, anxiety, sensory issues or other psychological/biological factors. Asexual people often still desire emotional intimacy through touch, whereas haphephobics experience discomfort with any touch.

If anxiety or PTSD are fueling touch aversion, medication may assist recovery. Anti-anxiety meds like SSRI antidepressants help reduce the fight-or-flight response triggered by touch. However, meds only manage symptoms. Therapy is still essential to process traumatic memories driving phobias.

Exposure therapy is a technique that progressively exposes patients to their fear triggers in a controlled way. For haphephobia, a therapist might begin with visualization exercises about touch, then move to touch safe objects, work up to light touch with the therapist, and eventually touch from a loved one when ready. This desensitizes.

Yes, even if you enjoyed touch previously, new trauma or triggering events can provoke haphephobia. PTSD from an assault, a bad relationship experience, rapid hormonal changes, and some neurological disorders can all catalyze touch phobia unexpectedly. It's never too late to seek help.

About Well Beings Counselling

At Well Beings Counselling, we believe in the transformative power of connection and self-compassion. Our therapeutic approach creates a warm, non-judgmental space where clients feel safe exploring their emotions and healing. We help individuals unlock their inherent capacity to grow and thrive across our in-office locations in British Columbia (Vancouver, Kelowna, Coquitlam, Burnaby) and Ontario (Toronto, Ottawa, London, Guelph).

Our highly qualified team includes Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCC) in BC and Registered Psychotherapists (RP) in Ontario, all holding advanced degrees from accredited institutions. Our practitioners maintain memberships with professional organizations, including the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC), Canadian Counseling & Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO), BC College of Social Workers, and Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. We specialize in treating anxiety, depression, ADHD, trauma, and more through a holistic, trauma-informed approach that incorporates mind, body, and nervous system healing.

Meet our team of counsellors and psychotherapists in person across BC and ON, or connect with us online for virtual counselling. Complete our New Client Inquiry form to get matched with a therapist today.

Picture of Pareen Sehat MC, RCC

Pareen Sehat MC, RCC

Pareen’s career began in Behaviour Therapy, this is where she developed a passion for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches. Following a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology she pursued a Master of Counselling. Pareen is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. She specializes in CBT and Lifespan Integrations approaches to anxiety and trauma. She has been published on major online publications such as - Yahoo, MSN, AskMen, PsychCentral, Best Life Online, and more.

Picture of Pareen Sehat
Pareen Sehat

Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. She specializes in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and trauma-focused approaches. Published on Yahoo, MSN, PsychCentral, and more.

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