*Updated on Jan 9th, 2025
Yelling. We’ve all experienced it, whether growing up or in our relationships. Sometimes, yelling happens during an argument or when emotions are running high. But what happens when yelling becomes a regular occurrence in your marriage? What if your husband frequently raises his voice, insulting and belittling you? His shouting makes your heart race as you feel the anger radiating off of him.
When does yelling cross the line into verbal and emotional abuse? Unfortunately, many women find themselves wondering:
- Why does my husband yell at me all the time?
- Is this normal behaviour in a marriage?
The truth is that frequent yelling that includes put-downs, name-calling, intimidation, and threats is not usual. It chips away at your self-worth and makes you dread any minor disagreement that could set your husband off again. You may try to avoid setting him off, walking on eggshells in your own home.
In this article, we’ll explore when yelling becomes unacceptable and guide you on:
- Setting boundaries around how you allow yourself to be treated
- Seeking counselling support for your husband or marriage
- Protecting yourself through safety planning
The goal is to help you regain your voice and confidence. You have the right to feel safe, respected, and valued in your marriage.
Key Takeaways:
- Recognizing the signs of emotional abuse – Constant criticism, threats, isolation, blaming, and gaslighting are clear warning signs yelling has crossed into verbal/emotional abuse.
- Impacts on mental health and marriage – Frequent yelling takes a toll through diminished self-worth, anxiety/depression, loss of trust and intimacy, and overall relationship damage.
- Staying calm and setting boundaries – Don’t react to yelling, but clearly communicate it is unacceptable. Establish ground rules, limit reinforcement, and leave if unsafe.
- Seeking outside support – Connect with friends/family and domestic violence resources, and consider individual counselling for your husband. You don’t have to handle this alone.
- Prioritizing your safety and well-being – Your needs come first. Know when it’s time to leave and focus on healing. There are resources to help regain confidence and independence.

Reasons Husbands Yell
When yelling and insults become pervasive in your relationship, it can leave you feeling confused, hurt, and afraid. Why is your husband quick to erupt in anger over minor issues? Here are some common reasons men fall into patterns of verbal abuse and aggression:
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1. Stress
We all deal with stress, but some people become overwhelmed by work pressures, family obligations, kids, finances, or everyday frustrations. Your husband may feel the weight of being the breadwinner and maintaining stability. He resorts to yelling as a release valve when he feels stress building. Unfortunately, this becomes an unhealthy coping mechanism that harms you.
While the stressors are understandable, it doesn’t excuse taking out his emotions on you through hurtful words or intimidation. He must find healthier stress management methods like exercise, social support, relaxation, and counselling.
2. Insecurity
Men face enormous pressure to conform to stereotypical gender roles. When your husband feels insecure in his job, role as a father/husband, or masculinity, he may try to overcompensate by becoming authoritarian and aggressive. Yelling helps him feel powerful and in control again.
Boosting your husband’s self-esteem through words of affirmation may help. But his insecurities don’t justify abuse. Remind him that respect and partnership strengthen a marriage more than power imbalances.
3. Lack of Emotional Regulation
Did your husband grow up in a household where yelling and anger were the norm? He may not have learned to recognize, process, and constructively express difficult emotions like frustration, sadness, insecurity, or disappointment.
Poor emotional regulation means he lacks the skills to communicate feelings healthily when he’s mad or upset. Suggest anger management classes and counselling to help him get these skills.
4. Childhood Patterns
We learn relationship dynamics from our parents. If your husband grew up with fathers who yelled or belittled their spouses, he is more likely to mirror these behaviours. Breaking negative childhood patterns takes time, effort, and therapy.
Explain how his actions make you feel and set boundaries around acceptable behaviour. He needs to unlearn dysfunctional examples from his past.
5. Lack of Healthy Communication Skills
Some men lack experience expressing themselves constructively. They may have been taught to hold their feelings or “be a man.” Outbursts are their release valve because they haven’t learned tools for communication, compromise, and managing disagreements.
Seek relationship and marriage therapy to learn healthy conflict resolution. Your husband needs to become more comfortable with vulnerability by opening up.
6. Feeling Threatened
When your husband doubts his competency or role in your relationship, he may feel threatened. Responding with aggressive yelling helps him reclaim power by putting you on the defensive.
Reassure him of his value and importance to you and your family. Be empathetic, don’t criticize. But remind him that intimidation tactics have no place in a loving marriage.
7. Reinforcement
Sadly, some men learn that yelling gets them what they want. If you back down, cave to demands, or walk on eggshells to avoid blow-ups, your husband sees shouting as an effective tool for control.
Stop reinforcing this by calmly sticking to your boundaries. Make it clear yelling will not reward such behaviour anymore. He needs to treat you respectfully.
8. Substance Abuse
Alcohol and drugs lower inhibitions and make it harder for husbands to control their outbursts. They become more reactionary and aggressive.
Substance abuse counselling should be non-negotiable. Explain that you cannot continue tolerating the volatility and viciousness. Your safety comes first.
9. Mental Health Issues
Disorders like depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and borderline personality can all make husbands more prone to fits of rage, intense mood swings, and angry outbursts.
Seek professional assessments to understand underlying conditions and possible treatments through therapy/medication. Your support will help, but his healing is necessary.
10. Misogyny
Some husbands hold deep-rooted misogynistic attitudes that women are inferior. They feel entitled to shout, dictate, degrade, and control their wives. For them, yelling maintains proper order.
You cannot overcome a misogynist’s core beliefs with rational conversation. Protect yourself, document abuse, and contact domestic violence resources for help. Your safety comes first.
The reasons behind your husband’s unhealthy behaviour help provide context but don’t excuse abuse. Seek counselling support, set boundaries, boost communication skills in your marriage, and don’t reinforce yelling. You deserve to feel safe, respected and heard.
Reason | Explanation |
Stress | Heavy workloads, family obligations, and finances lead to using yelling as an unhealthy coping mechanism. |
Insecurity | Feeling inadequate in masculine roles causes aggressiveness to overcompensate. |
Poor Emotional Regulation | Never learned to express difficult emotions like frustration. |
Childhood Patterns | Mirroring dysfunctional communication learned from parents. |
Lack of Communication Skills | Never taught vulnerability or constructive expression. |
5 Warning Signs of Emotional Abuse
If yelling and verbal attacks occasionally happen when emotions run high, the behaviour may still be unhealthy but likely not abusive. However, frequent belittling, insulting, and intimidating behaviour crosses the line into emotional abuse territory.
Watch for these warning signs that your husband’s yelling patterns have become unacceptable:
- Constant Criticism and Belittling. When your husband regularly hurls hurtful language and criticism that steadily damages your self-esteem and confidence, it qualifies as abusive. You deserve a partner who builds you up, not someone who constantly bullies and tears you down.
- Threats and Intimidation. Men who frequently pair aggressive yelling with threats demonstrate they are willing to wield verbal and emotional abuse as tools to control you. This dangerous dynamic stems from an imbalance of power, not a healthy partnership based on mutual respect.
- Isolation from Friends and Family. Abusers often try cutting off their spouse’s support systems to increase dependence and control. If your husband actively discourages, prevents, or outright bars you from seeing loved ones, it enables his continued abuse.
- Blaming and Unfounded Accusations. When yelling escalates to irrational blaming, unfounded accusations, and vicious personal attacks, your husband is being intentionally emotionally cruel. You are never the cause or deserving of his lack of self-control.
- Gaslighting. Emotional abusers commonly use gaslighting techniques like denial, misdirection, and distortion to make you doubt your sanity gradually. But you can’t imagine the actual harm when your husband blows up. Trust your instincts.
Recognizing these dangerous patterns of dysfunction is the first step toward changing the abusive dynamic. You deserve always to feel safe, respected, and heard in your marriage.
Sign | Description |
Constant Criticism | Frequent hurtful comments that damage self-esteem |
Threats and Intimidation | Aggressive yelling used to control you |
Isolation | Discouraging/preventing you from seeing friends/family |
Blaming | Irrational accusations and blame-shifting during fights |
Gaslighting | Denying, misdirecting to distort your reality |
5 Impacts on You and the Marriage
Living with a husband who regularly engages in verbal aggression through insults, threats, and intimidation significantly affects your mental health and the marital relationship. The constant yelling and volatility create an environment of fear and anxiety, making it impossible to feel safe and relaxed at home.
You may experience:
- Diminished self-worth. Facing regular criticism and put-downs leaves you feeling deflated. Your confidence plummets as you start to believe the negative labels your husband hurls during yelling episodes.
- Anxiety and depression. Constantly walking on eggshells around an angry partner creates chronic stress and anxiety. You dread setting him off again. The neverending insults gradually lead to depression as well.
- Loss of trust. Healthy communication requires mutual understanding and trust between partners. But when your husband flies off the handle over minor issues, it becomes impossible to have open, vulnerable conversations or share your authentic feelings.
- Lack of intimacy. Maintaining an intimate emotional and physical connection is difficult when you feel fearful and intimidated by your spouse. The yelling and lashing out create emotional distance rather than closeness.
- Damaged relationship. Loving partners should uplift and support, not tear each other down. Abusive behaviours like frequent shouting, belittling, and threats erode the foundation of respect, care, and partnership necessary for a marriage to thrive.
Living in an environment of verbal abuse takes a drastic toll both mentally and relationally. Don’t downplay the trauma caused by ongoing emotional abuse. Seek counselling support and lean on loved ones. You deserve so much better than treading on eggshells in your own home.
Impact | Explanation |
Diminished Self-Worth | Believing hurtful labels hurled during yelling |
Anxiety/Depression | The chronic stress of walking on eggshells |
Loss of Trust | No open communication in a volatile environment |
Lack of Intimacy | Fear preventing emotional and physical closeness |
Damaged Relationship | Erosion of respect, care, and partnership |
Protecting Yourself and Setting Boundaries
When caught in the cycle of frequent yelling and emotional abuse, it can feel overwhelming to imagine how to respond. Your natural reactions may be to yell back, burst into tears, or cave to demands to calm your husband down. But there are healthier and safer ways to protect yourself while setting clear boundaries against future mistreatment.
Stay Calm and Don't React
Easier said than done, of course, but do your best not to engage or pour fuel on the fire. As hard as it is to stay composed when under attack, reacting will often worsen things. Practice centring and grounding techniques to regain inner balance, like deep breathing, positive self-talk, and focusing on your senses.
Make Your Feelings Clear
Discuss your feelings openly using “I” statements when things have settled. Explain how the yelling affects you emotionally and that you want to find better ways to work through disagreements. If he tries to place blame, bring the focus back to taking responsibility for change.
Suggest Talking Later
In the heat of the moment, suggest pressing pause and resuming when emotions have cooled down. Walk away if needed. This allows both of you to gather composure and prevents a blow-up.
Leave Unsafe Situations
If yelling escalates into threats, blocking exits, or destroying property, leave to protect yourself until he regains control. State you won’t continue conversations in a threatening environment. Don’t isolate yourself in silence. Communicate with people you trust for support and perspective. Domestic violence hotlines offer 24/7 resources as well.
Establish Ground Rules
Talk when you are both calm to set ground rules, like no profanity, threats, or insults. Explain you will walk away if boundaries are crossed. Follow through consistently.
Limit Reinforcement
Don’t let yelling lead to getting his way. Stay firm in keeping your boundaries, or he’ll see shouting as a tool for control. Your husband needs to learn bullying won’t be rewarded.
Create a Safety Plan
Abusive situations can escalate over time. Have an exit strategy like a go bag, extra cash, spare keys, and emergency contacts. Identify safe areas of the home, or somewhere you can go. Update it regularly.
Seek Individual Counselling for Him
Present professional counselling to address his lack of coping skills, childhood patterns, trauma, or other root causes leading to abusive behaviours. Don’t recommend couples counselling yet when domestic abuse exists.
Setting clear boundaries and making your feelings heard are critical first steps in changing unhealthy relationship dynamics with a yelling spouse. Most importantly, value your safety above all else. You deserve peace of mind and respect.
Tactic | Description |
Stay Calm | Don’t react or escalate the yelling |
Communicate Feelings | Discuss the impact of yelling calmly using “I” statements |
Suggest Speaking Later | Press pause and resume when emotions are cool |
Leave if Unsafe | Protect yourself if yelling becomes threatening |
Set Ground Rules | Walk away if hurtful language starts |
Limit Reinforcement | Don’t reward yelling by giving in to demands |
Learning to Communicate in a Healthy Way
Beyond addressing the immediate yelling problem, you and your husband must learn tools to communicate constructively long-term. You can break negative patterns and create healthy relationship dynamics with practice.
- Use “I” statements. Discuss issues using “I feel…” rather than “You make me feel…” This reduces defensiveness.
- Listen actively. Let your husband share without interruptions, then summarize what you heard before responding to confirm you understand his perspective.
- Manage anger appropriately. Take time-outs and deep breaths when upset before continuing talks. Don’t yell or use hurtful language.
- Compromise. Find solutions where both people’s needs are considered, not just what one partner wants. Meet in the middle.
- Get counselling. A marriage therapist can teach communication strategies and conflict resolution techniques to prevent future blow-ups.
- Practice empathy. Imagine how issues look from your husband’s viewpoint. Respectfully validate his feelings and challenges.
- Apologize when needed. If either of you makes a mistake, own up to it sincerely. Don’t get defensive or assign blame.
With time, emotional intelligence skills like conflict management, empathy, and expressing feelings vulnerably can strengthen your bond, trust, and respect. Though it takes effort, improving communication is the reward.
Self-Care and Healing
Living with constant yelling and criticism heavily affects your self-esteem and emotional well-being. Self-care is crucial as you process the hurt and reclaim your self-worth. Don’t neglect your needs.
- Spend time doing activities you enjoy. Make time for hobbies that bring you happiness, whether reading, hiking, crafting, or anything that provides a positive outlet.
- Connect with supportive friends and family. Surround yourself with people who boost your spirits and reassure you that you deserve better. Their encouragement validates your experience.
- Practice self-compassion. Remind yourself regularly that you are worthy of love and respect. Don’t internalize the hurtful words.
- Take care of your physical health. Relieve stress through yoga, exercise, proper nutrition, and quality sleep. Caring for your body has mental benefits, too.
- Consider counselling support. A therapist can help you process feelings of trauma, build back self-confidence destroyed by emotional abuse, and develop coping tools.
- Set healthy boundaries. Put your needs first and limit interactions with toxic behaviours that perpetuate self-doubt. Protect your peace of mind.
As you walk the healing path, be patient and caring with yourself. The effects of long-term emotional abuse run deep, but with time and the proper support, you can regain a strong sense of self-worth.
Overcoming Codependency
It’s common for victims of emotional abuse to become codependent, altering their behaviour to avoid angering their partner. You forget your needs and wants in the process.
To overcome codependency:
- Set clear boundaries in your relationtship. Don’t tolerate abuse or behaviour that crosses your lines. Walk away from yelling and insist on respect.
- Prioritize your wants. Don’t let your husband’s desires always overrule yours. Pursue activities and relationships that fulfill you.
- Practice saying no. Don’t give in to unfair demands. You can turn down requests that hurt you or cause discomfort.
- Build your support network. Spend more time with people who care about your well-being, not just your husband’s.
- Get financially independent. Abusive spouses may limit access to finances. Open your accounts and control your own money.
- Attend counselling. A therapist can help you overcome people-pleasing habits and realize your self-worth.
- Set personal goals. Focus on your growth and purpose outside the relationship. Don’t lose yourself.
Breaking codependent patterns takes time, but each small act of asserting your needs builds confidence and autonomy. You are not responsible for your husband’s emotions or behaviours. Prioritizing your happiness and fulfilment is perfectly okay.
When Is it Time to Leave?
Deciding if or when to leave an emotionally abusive marriage is complex. You likely still love your husband despite his hurtful behaviours and hope he will change. Leaving may feel like giving up.
But staying in an unsafe situation will slowly destroy your spirit. At a certain point, you must evaluate:
- Is the relationship damaging my mental health? Constant criticism, volatility, and fear take a heavy psychological toll. If the abuse is causing trauma, it’s time to put yourself first.
- Do I feel like I’m walking on eggshells? Changing your behaviours constantly to avoid angering your husband is highly unhealthy. You deserve to relax and be yourself in your marriage.
- Am I unhappy more than happy? Tally up the joyful versus miserable times. Our partners shouldn’t be a source of perpetual discontent.
- Does he show remorse and make an effort to improve? Abusers often promise change, but real change requires commitment and time. Empty promises signal it’s time to go.
- Have I lost myself? Emotional abuse can strip away your identity. It may be time to regain independence if you’ve compromised your values, interests, or goals.
- Is there substance abuse? Addictions or alcoholism paired with emotional abuse almost always escalate. Please don’t wait around for it to worsen.
Remember: You are not responsible for your husband’s choices. Don’t sacrifice your safety and sanity, hoping he’ll improve. And now it’s never too late to start over. You can build the life you deserve with support, resilience, and self-care.
In Summary
Living with a husband who regularly engages in emotional abuse through yelling, insults, and intimidation can make you feel scared, trapped, and alone. But you have more power than you realize. Though it won’t happen overnight, you can regain self-confidence, set firm boundaries, and rebuild a relationship based on mutual respect.
With compassion for yourself and your husband’s struggles, continue gently but firmly advocating for change. Keep communicating your feelings and needs. Seek counselling support, lean on loved ones, and don’t enable abusive behaviours.
Most importantly, know you deserve to feel cherished, safe, and heard in your marriage. While I hope this advice provides a starting point to improve your situation, your well-being should always come first. Contact the domestic violence hotline if you ever feel unsafe.
You have the courage, resilience, and strength to face mistreatment. Believe in your worth – and know you are not alone.
Resources and Support for Canadian Women
If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, help is available:
- Assaulted Women’s Helpline – 24/7 crisis support line at 1-866-863-0511 or TTY 1-866-863-7868.
- ShelterSafe – Directory of shelters across Canada offering safety, support, counselling, and resources. Visit http://sheltersafe.ca or call 1-855-275-7472.
- Women’s Shelters Canada – Information, resources, and links to local shelters. Visit www.endvaw.ca.
- Canadian Women’s Foundation – Leadership, funding, and resources for women’s empowerment. Visit www.canadianwomen.org or call 416-365-1444.
- Department of Justice – Family violence initiatives and support services locator. Visit www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/fv-vf/index.html.
- Kids Help Phone – 24/7 counselling and information for youth dealing with abuse. Call 1-800-668-6868.
- VictimLink BC – Referrals, resources, help lines, and support for victims of violence. Call 1-800-563-0808.
- SOS Violence Conjugale (QC) – Front-line services and shelters for francophone women. Visit www.sosviolenceconjugale.ca or call 1-800-363-9010.
You deserve to feel safe, respected, and supported. Reach out to access the many resources available across our communities. You are not alone.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If the yelling includes hurtful put-downs, name-calling, threats, intimidation, or attempts to control you, it qualifies as verbal and emotional abuse. Also, watch for isolation from friends/family or making you feel like you're walking on eggshells.
Reasons could include high stress, anger, mental health struggles, childhood patterns, poor communication skills, insecurity, or wanting to assert control. But whatever the cause, abuse is never justified.
Stay calm, set boundaries, suggest speaking later when emotions have cooled, and disengage if yelling starts. Make clear you won't accept shouting. Encourage counselling to learn coping mechanisms and communication skills.
Don't react or yell back. Revisit the issue when you're both calm. If yelling persists, say you won't tolerate disrespect, then walk away. Contact friends/family or a national domestic violence hotline if you feel unsafe.
Being yelled at triggers a stress response. Chronic verbal abuse can cause trauma symptoms like depression, diminished confidence, PTSD, and emotional distress from constant fear.
If no verbal/emotional abuse exists, counselling can help develop communication skills. But it's not recommended until an abusive partner gets individual anger-related therapy.
Create a safety plan, set firm boundaries, trust your instincts, document incidents, call domestic violence resources, reach out to loved ones, and don't give in to demands after yelling episodes.
About Well Beings Counselling
At Well Beings Counselling, we believe in the transformative power of connection and self-compassion. Our therapeutic approach creates a warm, non-judgmental space where clients feel safe exploring their emotions and healing. We help individuals unlock their inherent capacity to grow and thrive across our in-office locations in British Columbia (Vancouver, Kelowna, Coquitlam, Burnaby) and Ontario (Toronto, Ottawa, London, Guelph).
Our highly qualified team includes Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCC) in BC and Registered Psychotherapists (RP) in Ontario, all holding advanced degrees from accredited institutions. Our practitioners maintain memberships with professional organizations, including the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC), Canadian Counseling & Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO), BC College of Social Workers, and Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. We specialize in treating anxiety, depression, ADHD, trauma, and more through a holistic, trauma-informed approach that incorporates mind, body, and nervous system healing.
Meet our team of counsellors and psychotherapists in person across BC and ON, or connect with us online for virtual counselling. Complete our New Client Inquiry form to get matched with a therapist today.

Pareen Sehat MC, RCC
Pareen’s career began in Behaviour Therapy, this is where she developed a passion for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches. Following a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology she pursued a Master of Counselling. Pareen is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. She specializes in CBT and Lifespan Integrations approaches to anxiety and trauma. She has been published on major online publications such as - Yahoo, MSN, AskMen, PsychCentral, Best Life Online, and more.